Preparation and Participation at Investor Conferences
Depending on our client’s needs, we will attend conferences and make sure that your presence is known to the investment community.

Constant and Consistent Transparency and Disclosure to the Investment Community
Our job is to ensure that your upcoming news, company thoughts, and ideas are always heard throughout the investment community. Industry analysts and investors need to be kept updated with current news flow to keep their interest in any story. Your news flow will hit investors first!

Setting up and Attending Meetings with Brokers, Analysts and Fund Managers across Different Industries
TCI has built a following in the investment community that are always open and ready to hear our ideas. If we take on a client, we will put you in front of them. We feel that the best way to gain interest in a story is to present it in person. We will put you in front of the necessary people and make sure they are constantly following your news flow.

Feature on Alphastox.com
Once we have taken on a client, and we feel they have upcoming catalysts and positive news flow, we will feature them on our junior market newsletter, Alphastox.com.

News Dissemination to our Newsletter Subscribers, Website, and Social Media Followers
Any news will be disseminated to our industry contacts, new connections that we have made on your behalf and all our Facebook and Twitter followers.

Creating and Managing your Website and Social Media Pages
If you have any updates that need to be done on your website and/or social media pages, we will manage it for you at all times.